Roman Holiday McDonald's Style
It was a cool October in 1992 when my family ventured across the Atlantic Ocean to visit the roads travelled by the most well known man on the planet, Jesus. But that was only have the story. I had made plans to retire early -- mid-50's. Having a good paying job working for Mitsubishi Global Custody and qualifying for my first credit card from American Express was going to be my path to see the world before I was too old to enjoy it.
I studied the travel brochures and the typical tourist sites were burned into my mental catalog of "must sees". I was raised by a single parent and all her hard work was going to be rewarded by a special vacation, even if I had to come back and start all over again from the bottom of the word processing pool.
The credit card was going to pay the airfare, hotel and ground transporation, but my mom taught me to be careful with money. Except for the local Jeno's pizza restaurant, italian dining seemed very expensive. There was no doubt some creative planning was going to have be done for us to enjoy ourselves. We packed lightly and made sure to leave room for small canned foods. It was more important to experience the thrill of being in the foreign land than sampling foods that probably tasted the same as what was available in the States.
Boy, were we wrong. The thrill of touching ground, smelling that lovely aroma of gastronomic delights from a pizza oven or local wines or fresh vegetables in the salads, sitting at street side tables outdoors and hearing traditional music in the background made all that budget consciousness fly out the window -- but only for the first night. That first night we served ourselves a grand delight. I do like me some New York pizza, but there was no comparison. It must have been the water.
We did visit the local McDonald's, but it would not have made sense to go so far for a Big Mac. We learned to glean from the continental breakfast in the morning and squirrel something away for later. We will never forget having walked the paths of the apostles, seeing the Colosseum, visiting the Sistine Chapel and gazing with our actual eyes at the ceiling images, visiting Venice and walking around on planks to keep our feet from getting soaked, taking a gondola ride on the Gran Canal, visiting the little glass and leather good shops over the canals, or photographing the Leaning Tower of Piza.
Thoughts of the roman ruins and ancient temple columns will always be treasured memories as will the McDonald's and our fabulous tour guide and traveling companions. The trip was worth every charge.
I studied the travel brochures and the typical tourist sites were burned into my mental catalog of "must sees". I was raised by a single parent and all her hard work was going to be rewarded by a special vacation, even if I had to come back and start all over again from the bottom of the word processing pool.
The credit card was going to pay the airfare, hotel and ground transporation, but my mom taught me to be careful with money. Except for the local Jeno's pizza restaurant, italian dining seemed very expensive. There was no doubt some creative planning was going to have be done for us to enjoy ourselves. We packed lightly and made sure to leave room for small canned foods. It was more important to experience the thrill of being in the foreign land than sampling foods that probably tasted the same as what was available in the States.
Boy, were we wrong. The thrill of touching ground, smelling that lovely aroma of gastronomic delights from a pizza oven or local wines or fresh vegetables in the salads, sitting at street side tables outdoors and hearing traditional music in the background made all that budget consciousness fly out the window -- but only for the first night. That first night we served ourselves a grand delight. I do like me some New York pizza, but there was no comparison. It must have been the water.
We did visit the local McDonald's, but it would not have made sense to go so far for a Big Mac. We learned to glean from the continental breakfast in the morning and squirrel something away for later. We will never forget having walked the paths of the apostles, seeing the Colosseum, visiting the Sistine Chapel and gazing with our actual eyes at the ceiling images, visiting Venice and walking around on planks to keep our feet from getting soaked, taking a gondola ride on the Gran Canal, visiting the little glass and leather good shops over the canals, or photographing the Leaning Tower of Piza.
Thoughts of the roman ruins and ancient temple columns will always be treasured memories as will the McDonald's and our fabulous tour guide and traveling companions. The trip was worth every charge.